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Question: Art idea: what do you think!?
I have this huge canvas art board and i was thinking instead of painting or sketching on there i was thinking of getting some dylon image maker so that i can get loads of family photos, and use the image maker to transfer the pictures onto the canvas board so its like an artistic collage!.
What do you think!? or do you have any other ideas of what to do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your idea sounds interesting but it would be nice to take it one step further, I think!. If you mixed some pva glue with white paint, short pieces of string, newspaper or other textile objects and then painted the canvas surface before applying your images, you could have a nicely textured finish to your artwork as parts of newspaper (for example) will show through the image of your photographs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds awesome, i can imagine the whole thing in my head!.
What i'm planning to do is nice and simple!.
1) Get some paints; different colours!.
2) Use a mega gigantic palette or a paper of some sort that doesn't absorb the paint (a whole new one for each colour)!.
3) Choose a colour and roll over in it!.
4) Roll over on the canvas!.
5) Try and different colour and repeat the stps 3 and 4!.
Pretty cool, ey!?
Good luck!

its just an idea but if you put aload of squares on it like devide it up and then every 1 you no can put there own little drawing on it when they come round your house
or put a picture of what you like next to it and people can draw bits of the picture including youWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow great idea!. I like randoms idea too!. You could also write down each family members catchphrase or saying and include it!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

that sounds good =]
also add parts of your family memories
lyk a part of ur mums wedding dress or ur first nappy like in mpaa :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your idea is unique and Awesome!Www@QuestionHome@Com

that idea sounds good!Www@QuestionHome@Com