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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do i do this??? Help PLEASE(;?

Question: How do i do this!?!?!? Help PLEASE(;!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
open pcture of person, select with lasso tool delete and fill with black, invert selection and fill with color, for white items select, copy and edit separate, then paste over image , or with program with layers you can place color, black, and white items in individual layers,

Gimp ~image editor,


there are to good ways to do this!.

One: first get a green projection screen, then get all the lights of except behind the screen and dim lights on the top and bottom!. make sure no objects are behind this except a person!. It should come out as a dark figure!. It is not that good with the light but it is o!.k!.

Two: get in front of a green wall and have somebody at the side of you dancing the shadow will be the image!. Do this in medium light!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You'd have to use something like Photoshop!.


find an existing ipod commercial image (google images)!.!.then pop it open in photoshop (or paint!.!.!.i gues)!.!.!.!.drop in a speech bubble, and add text, preety easy to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com