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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do u make manga?

Question: How do u make manga!?
I don't mean DRAWING manga, I mean the panels and such!. Do you draw the characters on separate papers and scan the onto the computer and then put the panels on it!? I'm using Manga Studio & I can't find a way to do that!. (I'd rather draw my characters a certain size & then resize it if I need to)!. And I can't find tutorials for this except for mangatutorials!.com and that's not that helpful!. Can anyone help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well Jimbo, since I don't work with computers, I'll tell you how its done the old fashion way!.
#1: you draw out the story board!.
#2: you draw the panels!.
#3: you put the roughs drafts of the people, places and things!.
#4: you finish the before mentioned things!.
#5: you ink!.
#6: you color!.
#7: you shade!.Www@QuestionHome@Com