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Position:Home>Visual Arts> People staring? paranoid? w/ pics!?

Question: People staring!? paranoid!? w/ pics!!?
it seems like everywhere i go people stare at me!. i don't know if i'm being shy and paranoid, or if it's true!.

i notice this esspecially when im at work!. i'm a cashier and ill be checking someone out and then i'll glance up and they'll be staring me and and then they'll look away really quick!. sometimes i'll even notice other people in other lines looking at me!. it's so annoying and it makes me feel like a freak!. like is there somethin wrong w/ the way i look or something!? it makes me want to dissappear because i feel like i don't belong or like im a sideshow freak or something!. in your honest opionion do i look weird!?





Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Tori N, I think they are not staring but adoring your youthful beauty, perhaps some with jealousness!. This is my honest view after looking at your pictures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you look like my kid sister when she was 14, and that was a whole bunch of years ago!. you have strikiing green eyes (as does sis) and most people just don't know how to say to your face that you have striking green eyes!.!.!.but if i were in your checkout line where you work, i'd tell you that when you caught me looking at you!. and it's not a line of crap, you DO have striking green eyes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in the first two pictures, you look a little mad!. maybe people think you're glaring at them or something!. you're not a freak or ugly or anything!. don't worry, my natural face randomly looks angry or annoyed a lot of the time too!. just try smiling more!. :] that always helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd have to say it's the eyes!. Big, haunting, and piercing!. Nothing bad, just part of you!. Cool color too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope nothing wrong with you maybe they are checking you out and are embarrassed when you catch them looking at you!. It happensWww@QuestionHome@Com

Either they think your are freak,pretty,or you just have a social aniexty disorder

and no u don't look weirdWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lousy quality images, but you remind me of Grace Slick!. That's not too shabby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha!. don't worry; the best thing to do is just turn away and not care about what other people think!. Not that it should matter to you, but you dont seem to look unusual or anything - perhaps you should smile more though lol
If they really are staring at you, it could be a coincidence that theyre looking around and you looked up, or maybe they become suspicious when you keep looking back at them so they do stare!. People could be staring at you for a number of reasons!. If they are, who cares!? What people think shouldnt change you!. Just be yourself and if people dont like you for it then theyre not worth befriending!.!. or in your case, acknowledging!.Www@QuestionHome@Com