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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is best to paint on and what does more expensive paints work better?

Question: What is best to paint on and what does more expensive paints work better!?
I have started painting and my friends and family LOVE them!. They say they had no idea I had a hidden talent and that I could sell them!. So far I have done acrylic and watercolour paintings but I have just bought cheapo paints and paper!. Does the more expensive stuff work better and if I was to think of selling them at Sunfest or something what is the best thing to paint on!. They are flower and nature abstract paintings by the way!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For watercolors paint quality and paper quality are essential and makes a tremendous difference!.
Paints should be "artist" grade, not student grade!. Artist grade are more expensive!.
Paper should be acid free, 100% cotton, at least 140 pound!.
All good paper is from Europe, France, Italy, & England!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when using water color paints it is definatly best to use water color paper it absorbes the water better and doesnt flop out when exposed to water!.!.!.!.paints the less expencive they are the more they are usually watered down so if you use better paints youmay find them to be brighter and easier to use!.!.!.hope i helped! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com