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Question: Is it too late to paint!?
I know it'sa silly question!. But I can't help feel that way I always wanted to paint acrylics/oils when I was very young like 11 years!. But instead my parents bought me those kiddies watercolour and it just wasn't the same!. So i stopped after a while!. And now i'm 19 and i do paint now and have money to buy for myself, but just all the years where i really wanted to but wasn't allowed!. (and how i wouldn't be a complete amateur at 19)!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hell no it's not too late! Go out and get your supplies and get busy! There are people of all ages that are beginers in something!. You're only nineteen, you have a ton of time!. Don't think on the time you didn't have but the time that lies ahead of you!.

Don't try and play catch up, all you'll do is frustrate yourself!. Just take your time and go easy!. Learn all you can!. I don't know about your parents but if they're not creative types they will never understand your need to do this hence the lack of support!. That also goes for anyone in your life!. Do it for you and strive to be the best you can be!.

Most importantly have fun with it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never say anything is too late, especially if you are 19! You will never know until you try, maybe it will be a phase, maybe a life long career, the only way to find out is to try!. Just think of your life as a book, would you want to skip the chapter where you started experimenting with paint!? Would you rather read the chapter on moving into your dorm room in college instead!? Or maybe the chapter about how you started paying your house payments!?
also, who cares if you're an "amateur", you don't know what you can accomplish in a few years if you really wanted to!.

Good luck and please go buy some paints and canvas!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I took up painting with oils late in my years and i'm really glad i did!. I am a self taught traditional artist who learned to paint using library books and art magazines!. I felt i had lost time and needed to catch up quickly so i really did my homework and did my trial and errors at painting at an eccelerated pace and i'm glad to say it has paid off!. My art can be checked out at hellosanantonio!.com under artist name GUERRO1!. Don't worry, have fun, do your homework, and you will be fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Never is late"!. And, "everything has a solution but death"!.

The most important thing is inspiration: many great artists just have that, and make so great work!.

Technique is in the second place, but it is not the most important!. Maybe, now, technique is what you would work for, but there is still time to gain it!.

Good luck, and create the marvelous work ever!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I started painting at 60 years old!.

Look at this man!. He started when he was much older than you:


Becoming good at anything requires some ability and talent, but mostly: determination and practice and more practice!.

Keep Arting!
Jeff (weseye) WesleyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Grandma Moses


its nvr 2 late 2 do anythingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hi It's never to late to try anything!. Go for it and Happy PaintingWww@QuestionHome@Com