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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Turn digital pictures into paintings...?

Question: Turn digital pictures into paintings!.!.!.!?
I can pay money, but I want to turn a picture into a painting!.!.!. preferably through a machine and also one where I can turn into Ritz Camera ritzcamera!.com in Grossmont Center http://www!.grossmontcenter!.com/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All photo labs in San Diego area offer this service!. You can get the pictures on canvas even at Kinkos/UPS!. It all depends upon how much you want to spend!. I use "Giant Photo" and "Chrome" in San Diego and they do a great job!.

additional information: If you have some skill in Photoshop, you can apply any of the creative filters to add brush strokes, or any of the "artistic" effects provided!. Do this in advance of your printing and you will get some surprising results -- even if they appear a little "hokey" in my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With a machine!? Corel Painter 10, you can make it looks like water color, oil painting, and whatever!.

There are artists that do this professionally!. It's not cheap!. I don't know one unfortunately!.Www@QuestionHome@Com