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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do i do this to my pictures?

Question: How do i do this to my pictures!?
this is what im trying to do, heres the link:


but i dont know how to do itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is an animated gif (an image in the file format !.GIF)!.

The quick and easy way to create this is to use Gikr http://www!.gickr!.com - a free online service that converts either images from Flickr or from your own computer!.

The "proper" way is to use software such as Adobe Fireworks, Ulead Gif Animator, Animagic Gif Animator etc!. Search for "animated gif software" to find software!.

Animated gifs can only contain 256 colours max!. Additional colours are implied by dithering, where dots of two different colours are placed close together so they look like a third colour!. Photos are usually very dithered, so don't be surprised if the quality is poor!.

- Keep the physical dimensions small!.
- Choose photos that don't have a huge range of colour variation!.
- Limit the number of photos in your animation - each one adds to the filesize!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love photoshop! But when it comes to creating animations, I tend to use PaintShop Pro (PSP)!. also make sure that all of the photographs you are going to use to create an animation are the same height and width so they won't look out of place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Animated images:

i use photoshop cs3
i think that are great photos
if you want to sell them send me a message and i will tell you how!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
