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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is printing the mona lisa from the internet legal?

Question: Is printing the mona lisa from the internet legal!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most certainly not! But there may be a few stipulations!.!.!. Consult the link below for a brief but thorough examination of your problem!.!.!.


Pop some paper in your printer and print it out,frame it and hang it on your wall!
Unless the government has cameras in your house and is staked out somewhere in your neighborhood!.!.!. just waiting to put you in prison for printing something from the internet!.!.!.especially if your just putting it on your own wall at home, for your own enjoyment!.
The mattress police on the other hand will slap the cuffs on ya while you sleep if you take the tag off your mattress!
If you'd like a really good laugh, read the tag on your mattress!
Seriously though!.!.!.!.who's to know what you print and frame from the internet!.!.!.especially it's for your own enjoyment and hangs within your home and you don't try selling it to anyone!.
Don't sweat the small stuff!
Enjoy life!!!

not if it's for personal use!. now if you sell it and reprint it for profit, that's illegal and you would get fined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only if you use if for commercial purposes then it is illegal, but there is a law that states that after 75 years of an artists death you may reproduce your own interpretation of their work, notice how many different renderation of the Mona lisa there is, as long as it is changed from the original artwork!.Www@QuestionHome@Com