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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I begin learning how to paint?

Question: How do I begin learning how to paint!?
I draw and do pastel art but I really want to expand and get into painting!. I'm not sure how to start because I have had no experience in it!. Should I buy a how to book or what!? Any advice would be helpful =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Buy some paints and start painting!

I'm not being smart but that's how I started!. Yeah, there are plenty of books out there that will show you different things but I'd stay away from the Bob Ross books and stuff like that!. I paint in acrylic and use a ton of oil techniques!. (Tried oils and don't care for them, takes too long to dry and I'm not patient enough to wait!.)

I'd buy some canvas boards to start on!. (Cheaper while you're learning!.) I think the most important thing in painting is your brushes!. Yeah you can go out and buy the mega expensive brushes but to be honest with you I find the cheap wal mart ones to work just as well!. Different brushes will let you do different things and make doing different effects easier!.

If painting acrylic clear medium is you friend!. not only can you use it as a final coating but it's also great for blending!.

You'll find that in ways while you're working with different tools a lot of what you know from drawing will translate over!. Things like perspective, shading, proportion and so on!.

Definatly, do try painting, I've been jonesing to do one for a long time and just don't have the space to do it in right now!. Painting takes longer to finish a piece, (You can take longer) but there's nothing like it when you're done! It's the best!

Good luck and above all have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can rent some really good "how to" video's here!.http://smartflix!.com/Www@QuestionHome@Com