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Question: Recommend art~!?
I have only been working for my whole life!.

so, i am skeptic!.

do you recommend a piece of art!?
and why do you recommed it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love most pieces by John Singer Sargent, because they are all so!.!.!.I'm not sure how to describe it!.!.!.they just are smooth and satisfying and beautiful to look at!.

But even better (in my opinion) is Otto Dix, who was a German artist from the time of WWI!. Most of his art is very!.!.!.haunting and critical, especially of war and contemporary society!. I don't even know which piece to recommend, I love all of it!. If you google image search Otto Dix, it comes up with a lot of stuff!. I think my two favorite are probably "Stormtroops Advancing Under Gas" and "Skull" although I also really like "Portrait of the Journalist Sylvia von Harden"Www@QuestionHome@Com

(Apologies, it's from deviantArt!.!.!.)

Photography: http://mehmeturgut!.deviantart!.com/art/MA!.!.!.
"Made from Earth" Great make up!.!.!. really caught my eye the first time I saw it!.

Digital: http://francis001!.deviantart!.com/art/Gan!.!.!.
"Ganesh" It's just pretty!. The Hindu culture has always enthralled me with its artwork, and even with a different, science fiction twist, it still is amazing to me!.

Traditional: EVERYTHING in this man's gallery
If he's not a professor at a college!.!.!. he SHOULD be!. All of his artwork is beyond realism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Olympia by Manet!. I just think it is beautiful and enigmatic!.
Self portrait by Durer - just technically brilliant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com