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Question: Want to learn graffiti!?!!?
i really really really super badly want to learn how to do graffiti and i do not want to copy anyones style because that is lame and not cool!. i want my own style of graffiti and i want it now!!! i have never been a good drawer so this might be difficult i have googled like every thing that has to do with graffiti and nothing has helped!. CAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME!!?!?!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love graffiti too!. It will definitely be hard for you if you have limited drawing skills because after all graffiti is art!. What I would suggest is to find a style you like on the street or the net, draw it a few times to get the style burned into your head than just mix it up such as curving the letter tails in the opposite direction, adding arrows, shapes in the holey letters like O P R B etc!.!.!. just make a style of your own from one you like!. Once you ace it on paper, move onto abandoned walls or houses (make sure they are definitely not residential!) or even on big pieces of card stuck to a wall so you don't get fined!. Than once you have the hang of the spray can which will take a while progress onto major walls, tunnels etc!.!. look out for the legal parts in your town to graffiti as well, I hate seeing talented graffiti artists get in trouble!

Good luck mate and keep trying have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to NYC and study the walls lol!. If you want your own style, why are you asking then!? Everything that deals with art has a touch of someone else in it!. Just study popular graffiti art and practice, practice, practice! Pretty soon your imagination will take over and viola, you got your own style!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best to learn by doing!. Get a can of spray paint and a piece of board and start practicing!.
No one can teach you originality; you have to develop that yourself!.
Anyone can teach you to draw but it will not be original unless you do it!.
Go to the skate park or down to the bridges where it magically appears and see who shows up after dark!. if you are young, take your older brother or a big friend with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very simple!.

you have to think of a graph name!.
like examples!.:

something amazing like thoes!.
and being a graffitti artest you do many many styles in many places!.

so you really dont copy off anyone!.
just look some up off there!.
and go to a graph websight and put it in and sketch it down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Start with a simple word!.!.!.For example your name or even your online name!.!.!.Make it blow letters or bubble letters!.!.!.Then outline the letters and decide the shading (where the light will be shining from) so you know how to colour it in!.!.!.

Here is a much BETTER guide to it!.

yes, I can help!.

Ok, the best way to practice is to get a fat permanent sharpie and stand in front of a mirror!. the mirror will help you put things into perspective!. next, from left to right, on your forehead, write the letters L-A-D-N-A-VWww@QuestionHome@Com