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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Guitar help...?

Question: Guitar help!.!.!.!?
http://img84!.imageshack!.us/img84/5212/he!.!.!. this picture has an effect under the paint or something!. I cant quite figre out how its done but if anyone knows how it is done!.!.!.!.maybe like black paint under the final color!?!?!? i am not sure!. any help is goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are layers and layers of sprayed clear coat!. One of the layers might have a black tint in it to tone the wood!. Why do you ask!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

appears to be natural knurl of wood grain quilted or beeswing veneer with finish,

