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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why does minimal art develop in the US?

Question: Why does minimal art develop in the US!?
why does minimal art develop in the United States and not in Europe!?

Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well ,minimal art was part of the conceptual art development in the US in the sixties!. They were looking for a new purity in art ,that was a further development of much the abstract painting from Europe during modernism!. Painters like Piet Mondrian ,Kasimir Malevisj and Wassily Kandinsky had made abstract work that was trying to strip away everything that was not central to the art expression!. What happened in the US in the sixties was that it had a very fruitful art scene , that radically was trying to change the rules of art aesthetics!.
Art was more about the concept of the art ,then the art object in itself!. I guess New York had an ideal scene for that sort of radical art ,which had an audience ,collectors and good artists!Www@QuestionHome@Com