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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Help me find the perfect anime?

Question: Help me find the perfect anime!?
i want it to be romantic but at the same time have action and fightingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Vampire Knight

You can check out the work of the person who made Inuyasha!.!.!.
She also made Ranma 1/2, that also has romance action and fighting!. It's also hilarious, when Inuyasha is more heavy hearted!.!.!. I mean dramatic, in a good way!. : )

But I really recommend Tokyo Crazy Paradise, though I don't think it has as much action as Inuyasha or Ranma 1/2!.

On the flip side, the romance part is worked out more!.

I'm relatively new to Vampire Knight!.!.!. but it's pretty cool!. I'm in awe of the mangaka and her skills!.

Well, I'm in awe of all of their skills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The anime you're looking for is Inuyasha-duh
Kagome and Inu are da best couple-LOL I am Kagome
Action and Fighting tons
You can watch it at http://www!.dbz-zone!.org/inuyasha!.htm
But sometime's it's down
But it has all 167 episodes- and other anime too!!!
Hope it helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try Inuyasha!. The only one I ever watched!. =)