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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I bid high and won a 5x7 pinhole camera. Now what do I do? Can you recommend a g

Question: I bid high and won a 5x7 pinhole camera!. Now what do I do!? Can you recommend a good developing tank for 5x7!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have had little success with sheet-loading development tanks, as they tend to be difficult to load in the dark, and will almost invariably leak around the edges of the lid when agitated!. A moderately good workaround involves tray developing in total darkness (unless you're using b/w paper negatives, in which case a safelight can be used)!. In my situation I use a 16x20 tray and develop a few sheets at a time, keeping constant agitation to avoid underdevelopment of overlapping areas where the film/paper sheets cling together!. It's not ideal by any stretch, but it works!.

I hope this helps! Good luck!

aren't you supposed to make pinhole cameras!?
I thought all tanks were the same!?

I'm confused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com