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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is your view about fashion photographers who takes the nude photos of model

Question: What is your view about fashion photographers who takes the nude photos of models!?
Photography is considered an art but is this art justifiable in this case!. Models undress themselves for money and photographers shoots videos and photos of the models !.
What do you think nude photography is an art and the girls doing it have morales!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh, my!.

There are two sides to this!.

First the fashion shoot is a commercial effort, both the photographer and model are paid to produce images that sell clothes!.

It is during theses photo sessions, photographers and models meet one another and professional relationships are established!.

Models and photographers just don't go back on the shelf until the next time they are commissioned to do a shoot!.

It is during these "down times" that both photographers and models experiment with new looks, lighting ideas and edgy shots !.!.!. this may or may not include nude photography!.

Many models would rather have tasteful nudes in their books than have to "strip-off" during a casting call to show that they have no obvious tattoos, skin blemishes or piercing that the art director will have to cover in order to use the model for a particular shoot!.

It is clear from the question, that your professional world is not one that has much connection to fashion, glamour or the art community!.

In fact, while in "art" schools, students routinely pose for their fellow students!. Many times (especially in life drawing or nude studies) the wives, husbands, girl friends or boy friends also act as models!.

So you can see that it is a whole different world out there where photographers, models, actors, screenplay writers, authors and the like live, when compared to other professions!.

My book includes nudes (male and female) as do the books of many of the models I shoot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a professional photographer!. I shoot fashion, nightlife photography, and fine art nudes!.

This question really boils down to the nudity in art debate!. Is the statue of David valid art!? What about religious depictions of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden!?

That said, in the photography world we often use the term GWC (Guy With Camera) as a derogatory expression to describe perverts who use their cameras for the sake of getting women out of their clothing!. Generally, GWC's have little or no artistic talent, often barely know how to use their cameras, and do not produce photos of any real value to the models they work with!.

The best way to judge is to look carefully at a photographer's existing portfolio, and contact other models the photographer has worked with!. Play it safe!. Check references!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think there are tons of things to take into account!.
The photographer could only be in it for the pleasure of looking at woman's bodies for his own sick pleasure, snapping pictures with a crappy camera, or he could honestly be trying out his art!.
there is a fine line between art and exploiting!. what may be artistic and new to some people may be vulgur and shoddy to others!.
i would say make sure you and your model are on the same page with what your aim is, and be strong in your decision, granted it's a good one!. you'll
be getting a lota flake wherever you go, but also some really good encouragements and such!.
just do your best, try not and let your body take over your mind, and see if your cut out for the work!.

best of luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Their purity is being violated!. One's body is supposed to be something sacred!.!.!. something you present to your spouse as something beautiful!. By showing it all the the whole world, they're just telling everyone how low they think of themselves!. And by getting paid, they're placing a price on their dignity!. Human beings are priceless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Creator gave us a work of art!.!.!.why not show it off!?

A professional model is paid!. That is the way it goes!.

Most nude models that I know have the highest morals!. I even know a couple of models who are Buddhists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com