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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I have gota copy of the the photograph "THE GOLDEN TEMPLE AMRITSAR IN1833&q

Question: I have gota copy of the the photograph "THE GOLDEN TEMPLE AMRITSAR IN1833" by LANCE DANE!. Wanna sell it!. HOW!?!?
the copy has got written on it "Photograph by Lance Dane of an engraving by W!. Carpenter Junior!. Original in London!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I beg to differ with the previous post, I have taken enough art law courses in college to know that you do not need the permission of the artist to sell a print in which you purchased!. The only issue where the owner of the print would need any kind of permission from the artist is if they were possibly infringing upon any copyright that the artist held over the print!. To give you an example just because you own a photographic print does not mean that you can use it for commercial purposes!.
I would personally suggest selling the print through ebay!. It sounds really generic but lets face it, this photographer isnt that famous or valuable and you don't need the help of a dealer or auction house!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first, you give them all of the credit for the picture, but you have to ask them to sell it, because in reality you're making money off of something that they created!. Do you know what i mean !?Www@QuestionHome@Com