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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Did these photos come out well?

Question: Did these photos come out well!?

I was just wondering, because I took them awhile back and forgot about them and I was thinking about taking up photography as a hobby!. Thanks!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They're hardly "typical snapshots!." I agree that the first one is probably a bit busy, and the lighting for #2 is problematic!. But I think they're both interesting compositions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well!.!.!.!. no!.!.!. they are just typical, amateur snapshots, and the second one is even a very very poor shot!. Poor composition and awful lighting!.

Now, that does not mean you can't take up photography as a hobby!. The purpose of a hobby is to do something you enjoy, and in most cases, you will improve at it greatly!. So go for it if you want!. At least you are not on here saying, "here are my photos and I'm going to be a "professional photographer"!.

Have fun and learn! :-)


Yeah, I like them!. The flower picture is my favorite because it seems like the one in front is glowing!. Just my opinion=]!. And if you decide to take it up as a hobby, good luck!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

there pretty good but i love the second one the most it looks like its dark but somehow you can see the flowersWww@QuestionHome@Com

not to shabby id say they canme out pretty nice but the first one is to busy try messing around with macro a bit
as for the second one its pretty cool
keep up the good

The first one was okay!.!. And maybe had potential!.!. in mind!. And the second one looks like it was taken on accident!. I'm sorry!.!. if you don't want advice from a photographer!.!. ignore my response!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think they're actualy really good!.

you should take it up!.
even if you werent good, you could always learn!. =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

nah get a new hobbie lve, like fishing or lawnbowlsWww@QuestionHome@Com