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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can anyone help with a photo retouching?

Question: Can anyone help with a photo retouching!?
Make a picture black and white except for the eyes or lips!. I dont have photoshop but i do have Photo Impact Pro!. Is anyone familiar with that program!? I cant figure out how to do it from the tutorial and I was hoping someone could help!. Thank you in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am also not familiar with your program but I can offer another way to do this photoshop and maybe it could help!.
First duplicate the original layer, then change the duplicate copy to grayscale and apply a mask to the newly black and white copy!. Take your paint brush and paint the black and white out to reveal the color below!. Flatten the image and save!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do photoshop, but not impact Pro, but they might be similar in that you need to desaturate your picture, then adjust brightness and contrast, then either paint color back onto the lips and eyes, or cut them out first, desaturate, and then paste back in!.
Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com