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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can someone tell me how to do this on a photo?

Question: Can someone tell me how to do this on a photo!?
Make a picture black and white except for the eyes or lips!. I dont have photoshop but i do have Photo Impact Pro!. Is anyone familiar with that program!? I cant figure out how to do it from the tutorial and I was hoping someone could help!. Thank you in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lol thats an easy one!. There are several ways to do that, but I'll give you my recommendation!.
1!. Open pic
2!.Right click the original layer (bottom-right window box just in case) and duplicate layer
3!. On the new layer (make sure its highlighted) go to image>adjustments>desaturate
4!. Now your pic is in black and white!
In this very same black and white layer click the eraser tool and erase the lips and eyes gently (preferably with a soft brush (right click))

And thats just about it!. Hope it helps :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If memory serves, open your picture, make a copy, close the original!. Depending on your program look for effects or whatever & go for greyscale when you have done this alter the pic' to colours (it will still be in greyscale) I think you have a choice of several menus!.
Now you can either pick out with smart edge or equivalent & fill in the chosen area with colour, opacity to suite!. Or open the original picture, make copy & close original!. Working on the copy, Smart edge the area you want to copy press CTRL & C, go back to your B&W & PRESS CTRL & L!. This will give you a second layer, a 4 headed arrow will give you the tool to move this layer to the position of your choice!. Repeat for other sections you wish to colour!. You will build up layers, each independent of the others!. When you have done merge all layers & save!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you can just do it from picnik!.com!.!.its free all you have to do is make your own account!. First go to create then click black and white then click a color on the pallet and just brush away!!!.!.

best answer!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the only way that i have found to do this is with the adobe photoshop cs3 which is way expensive but you can download a free trial from adobe's website!Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are some cameras that have a color seeting where the red in the lips will stand outWww@QuestionHome@Com