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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Vintage color on da pic ?

Question: Vintage color on da pic !?

i use PHOTOSHOP CS3 and I really want to know how to make my pic that have da exact color like that pic !?

thnx so muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok, this is hard to describe as it's something you do by eye!.

Open your photo in CS3 and I'd suggest a little level alteration (to make it clearer if necessary), maybe some brightness/contrast to lighten it up a bit!. (Image > Adjustments, if you get lost)

What it looks like this person has done is changed the colour balance on her work, so that it's more yellow dominated than anything else!. I could be wrong, but you could try it to see if that gives you the look you're after!. It'll probably take several times of doing it - (Image > Adjustments > Colour Balance) - keep moving the slider down towards the more orange/yellow colours as you see fit - click (ok) and then open it and do it again until you think you've got it!.

(I have to say trying it myself for a moment I think you want to move the yellow slider down (to the left) a bit, the magenta down (left) a little and maybe move the red up (right) a bit to even it out, I think it really is a try it and see what makes you happy, sorry)

I'd also play around a bit with the curves tool (Image > Adjustment > Curves), it's really tricky but I think it helps if your working with an image with strong, maybe contrasting colours, like the ones in the examples you showed!.

And perhaps a little Hue/Saturation (same Image>Adjustments menu), I'd take the saturation down (left) a little!.

Sorry I can't help more!. Hope it made some sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com