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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does anyone know a photographer that uses alcohol in their work, possibly the ef

Question: Does anyone know a photographer that uses alcohol in their work, possibly the effects of it!?
also the different stages of alcohol,party, later on, morning after!.
i have looked at trash the dress but i can't find any that use alcohol,but i am open minded!. maybe older photography but i need a photographer that has done more than one or two photographs they need to have done a series of them!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Be WARNED some of the images you will see are of a very strong nature!.
All these photographers work very much in a fine art idiom
First, Nan Goldin's work deals with alcohol/ism as part of it's wider remit, although it focuses heavily on sex, drugs and violence, alcohol is part of the worlds she documents!.
Richard Billingham documented the life of his alcoholic parents extensively, most notably for the book 'Ray's a Laugh'!. I cannot recommend this highly enough!.
Gilbert and George have also made work involving alcohol!. The film 'Gorgons makes us drunk' is probably best know, but there is photographic work too!.
Some other stuff that you might try searching for; Annie Leibovitz toured extensively with the Rolling stones and took pictures of them at their most wasted!.
I know that one of the British YBA artists photographed their friends at the hight of their success/excess, particularly at a party where they took over a hotel!.
If I think of more I'll get back to you, hope that helps!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I have watched a programme on Channel 4 about a photography competition!. The winner was a woman who based her work on alcoholics!. I can't remember her name but if you use this as a starting point and go to the channel 4 website you may still find something about it or search it using google etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com