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Question: Art Tablet!?
Okii so for my birthday I wanted to buy an art tablet for my compy!. Umm I just have a few questions about it!.!.!.

--Where can I buy one!?!?

-- Is there any requirements your compy needs to put it on there!?

-- Are they all theyre cracked up to be!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I bought a 4X5 Wacom Graphics Tablet about 5-6 years ago on Ebay for $70 bucks!. I LOVE IT! I use it every day, never had any problems with it!. There is software that comes with it (like the driver information and stuff)!. They are definately worth buying if you plan on using it often!. They take a little getting used to at first, but once you get the hang of them they are amazing!. As far as your computer goes, just make sure you are getting a tablet that is compatible with your PC!. You can buy tablets at your local Office Max, Office Depot, Best Buy, etc!. You can also look on ebay, amazon!.com or other online stores!. I would definately shop around to make sure you pay the best price for the quality you are getting!. Why pay twice the price for the same item if the guy down the street has it cheaper!? Ya know!? They come in all sizes, but honestly, my little 4X5 works just fine and I work on fairly large pieces sometimes!. Just depends on what you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can buy one at any computer store, like compusa, best buy, office max, etc!.

the requirements are on the box, each one has different requirements so it can't be answered here!. But if you're talking about special hardware, no!. Just have a computer!. As long as your computer is powerful enough!.

They are "cracked up to be" only if you think it works well for you!. The only way to know is to buy or borrow one!. Personally I love mine!. But who knows, maybe some people don't like theirs!. The problem is you might not be used to it at first!. It takes practice to use!. It is not easy to become expert at it, but if it works for you (iow it helps make your art easier somehow) then it's worth learning it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com