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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can someone who never learned how to draw as a child learn as an adult?

Question: Can someone who never learned how to draw as a child learn as an adult!?
As a child, I never could master drawing, but I always loved art!. Is it possible for someone who has no drawing experience learn to draw as an adult or is this only learned as a child or a natural talent for some people!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Absolutely! Anyone can learn to draw, and even draw well! Some people believe it is all talent, but really drawing and art design has little to do with talent!. this is not to say that natural talent isn't good or that it does not exist, because it does!. But being an illustrator myself, I have seen plenty of people learn to draw and paint the most amazing pieces as an adult with no background in art!. It's all about hard work and practice!.

The keys to learning how to draw are learning the fundamentals of drawing, draw from life, learn from and copy masters' works (copy for learning purposes to understand why they made their choices, not to rip them off), and practice PRACTICE PRACTICE!. It's not easy and it take a lot of work!. It doesn't happen over night, but it can happen if you work hard for it!.

I suggest taking classes, taking life drawing classes, buying good drawing books (NOT how-to books), and study a lot on your own by studying master artists' work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I learned how to draw very well when i was younger, problly seven or eight (i was good ill send you stuff if you want) and i stopped for 6 years and just started learning how to do it again, i had to relearn everything!.!.!. so im going to say yes its very possible for you to learn how to draw, just practice and practice, easiest thing to do, take a picture that you like and draw it over and over, then try another picture then another etc!. It really isnt hard if you just take the time to sit and learn how to do itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Betty Edwards did 'Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain'
She's released expanded versions of the book since its original printing!.
A lot of the people that took a class based on this had mass improvement within four days!.

It's pretty trippy!.

If you intend to learn on your own I suggest start by replicating black and white photographs so you get a feel for spaces and shadows!.!.
You can make a grid on the picture and a grid on your drawing page if it makes it easier to figure out the proportions!.
After that go into 3D objects!.!. Simple things first like balls and the TV set!.!. Then go for more complex things!.

Even if you don't do what I suggest (which was the course of the best art class I ever took) do two things the whole time:
Don't stop trying to draw from your head while you're working on other things, and always keep you drawings even if they look terrible!. Nobody else has to see them, but you can go back later and pick out specifically what you think is wrong with it, and you can see how you improved over time!.!.

Best of luck :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, quite frankly any body can draw!.
For further study buy the book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain"!. It was written by a woman and I cannot recall her name right now, she is a doctor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are many who start drawing when they are older!. Specailly many Manga Artists are like that!. Its not hard join artits forums and ask for advice and get reviewed your arts also find articles and read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it wouldnt be natural drawing but you could learn if you put ur mind to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
