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Question: Photography advise!?!?!?
i wanna be a photographer when i get older!.im only 12!.Any adivse should be good!.i know that u should center the pic(Not all the time)and take from diff angles!.i don't know know 2 much about photography yet!.Thanx in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its good that you are interested in photography!. Photography is more than just pointing your camera at something and pressing the shutter release!.

Ask your parents to buy you a copy of "Object & Image": An Introduction To Photography, Third Edition" by George M!. Craven!. Although the book was written when film was all there was, photogaphy is photography whether film or digital!.

Learn about composition, light, shutter speed, aperture and ISO!.

Learn how light, ISO, aperture and shutter speed all work together to make a good exposure!. Learn how changing one affects the others and why!.

Learn to use your camera by taking time to really READ & STUDY the Owner's Manual for it!. Learn every setting and feature and when, why and how you'd use them!. Learn to use your camera in Manual - you choose the f-stop, shutter speed, ISO and focus the camera!.

Learn to take your time when looking at a scene!. Move to the right and then to the left as you compose your picture!. Look at it sitting down or kneeling as well as standing!.

Learn to watch the background and pay as much attention to it as you do to your subject!. Your friend won't look too good if there is a tree or pole "growing" from their head or a powerline "running" through it!. That plastic bottle or aluminum can or fast food wrapper won't add to your picture!. Watch the backfround and eliminate such distractions!.

Go to the library and read the photography magazines they subscribe to!. If there is one you really like ask your parents for a subscription!. Read it cover to cover every month and keep the back issues!.

While at the library look for books on photography!. Read biographies of the great ones like Dorothea Lange, Margaret Bourke-White, Edward Weston, Robert Capa, Minor White, Ansel Adams, W!. Eugene Smith!.

Ignore anyone who suggests taking hundreds of pictures in the hope that some will be worth keeping*!. Do you really want to spend time on your computer sorting through hundreds of poor images trying to find a few good ones!? Wouldn't you rather be out with your camera!?

Ignore those who tell you "Oh, you can fix it in Photoshop!." If you do everything possible to "get it right in the camera" you'll spend less time editing and more time photographing!. Learn what it actually means to "get it right in the camera"!.

Learn that it isn't the camera, its the photographer!. I've lost count of the questions asking what camera to buy because the one the person owns "takes lousy pictures"!. Usually, the camera they have is perfectly capable of producing a good picture IF the person using it actually knew HOW to use it!. Cameras do not take "lousy pictures" - lousy photographers take lousy pictures!.

Good luck and welcome to the fascinating, frustrating world of photography!.

* One person in here said that if they took a 1,000 pictures and got 1 good one they were happy!. I believe you'd get better results if you gave the camera to a chimpanzee!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edwin has covered a lot of ground and is spot-on in his advice!. I just wanted to point out that any book by Bryan Peterson, especially "Understanding Exposure" will make a fine addition to your photographic library!. "Popular Photography" is a great magazine to start with, although filled with camera advertisements there are also some good articles and how-to's aimed at the amateur!.

Go to www!.kodak!.com and www!.betterphoto!.com and read the tips and tutorials and browse galleries filled with good images!. Myspace is not the best place to see good photography!.

Best wishes to you, photography is a great hobby that you can enjoy for a lifetime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most important thing you can do is to keep shooting!. Try different angles, styles, settings, proportions, compositions, textures, and the like and see what works!. Once you get to HS take any photo classes offered (if they don't have any on campus, then most Jr!. colleges offer them)!. Join photography clubs in your area and see what experience and advice they can give you!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I was starting out again this is where I would begin!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

with a pinhole camera I made myself!. Photography is a huge subject today and very complex!. I suggest you begin where the early photographers began!.

My reason for suggesting this is becasue most people's first camera is a very complicated fabulous piece of engineering and the equipment hints at mystery and of something very complicated when in fact photography is very simple!.

Do yourself a favour and make a pinhole camera and experiment!. Then move onto a simple manual camera and learn to fully understand all the things that Edwin speaks about!. Some people take years to know all that!.

Get your parents involved helping you!.

First and formost - have fun and experiment!.

Link : http://www!.kodak!.com/global/en/consumer/!.!.!.

Link : http://www!.wandascott!.com/howtomake!.html!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com