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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do i take hdr photos with a casio ex z750 camera?

Question: How do i take hdr photos with a casio ex z750 camera!?
i have a casio ex z750 and im having a hard time translating the hdr tutorials that i have found to my camera!. if someone could give me a quick step by step i would REALLY appreciate it!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Unless you can manually control the exposure on your camera (and most P&S cameras are fully automatic), you may not be able to do it unless your camera happens to have "Auto Exposure Bracketing"

HDRI images are a process that combine three or more images into one!. The images are purposefully exposed at different ranges!. Typically one overexposure, one underexposure and one normal exposure!. This means of course that the camera must be on a tripod and the subject is not moving!.

Unless your camera can produce over and under exposures on demand,then you are looking at purchasing an adjustable camera (DSLR) to produce HDRI files!.




Then use those controls to take three exposures UE OE NE and then use your photo program to combine the images!.Www@QuestionHome@Com