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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Best Way to Design a Notebook w/ a theme: Magic?

Question: Best Way to Design a Notebook w/ a theme: Magic!?
I want the notebook to be themed with magic, but with a catch!. I want to be able to perform a magic with the notebook!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It really depends on the magic you want to theme it with and the magic you want to do!. You could be into Wicca or Enochian Magic or some Ceremonial or Trad version -- whether Wicca and Gardnerian are the same thing is DEFINITELY something I've heard debated!.

Really, even if inside your head you approach magic and religion in different ways, try to approach it from the point of view of a religion!. What symbols have the most meaning for what it is you are likely to want to do!? Colors have specific meanings in various traditions -- even Crowley talks about them!. Talk to friends who do magic about symbolism!.

And refine it!. If you want to be able to perform magic with this notebook, choose one or two (at most 4) symbols which you think will be helpful, and try to use them in ways where they create a context whenever you open the book up!. In other words make them big and prominent!.

The design problem is pretty straightforward!. But it relies on the magical problem, and that's where you are going to need advice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com