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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What can I do to this drawing to better it?

Question: What can I do to this drawing to better it!?

I did it today!. I tried to shade more but when I scanned it some of my shade didn't come up and its darker in the original pic!. Oh and its Synyster Gates!. So any opinions and suggestions i will take!. ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First off, your are only using two values on a 1000 value scale!.

You are using cross hatching with a pencil and are having a ton of problems

Create a light source and stick with it

Here is a link to the same fellow but with strong values

curbside view: Stick with your light sourceWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it looks good compared to some drawings I have seen and especially ones I have tried drawing!. I don't know much about this type of art but my first impression was that it was a female instead of a male!. Like I said I don't know much about how to improve this type art but that was just my first impression!. The main thing is that it is ART and art is what you make it!. I think a piece should look different in everyone's eye's if that makes sense!. I think you did just fine!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's okay, but I don't like the forehead!. I think you need to do a little lighter shading!. But other than that, it's pretty good!. :)

What do you think about this: http://ashbojangles!.deviantart!.com/art/G!.!.!.
(you can email me)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like it but not his forehead!.it looks like he ran into a screen door!.maybe you should do that lighter cuz i get what you're tryin to do there

To make it better, lighten up the forehead and the body a bit!. Try making the lips a better one and also take off the earrings!.!.!. it make it looks like a he-she >!.<Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are a good drawer, however if you turned this picture sideways, it would look as though he was in a coffin!.!.!.so I don't know, more expressive face!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the forehead needs a little work!.!.!.
Other than that 'great'!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it!.!.!.!.*speachless*!.!.!.hes my idol!.!.!.it looks fine the way it is but maybe a 5 o' clock shadow would better it!.!.!.!.hmm I love it anyway=)Www@QuestionHome@Com