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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Confused? (Art related)?

Question: Confused!? (Art related)!?
My drawings are decent!.!.!.
But I seem to keep drawing the same thing!.!.!.
Like a huge dent in me head that I only draw the same thing!.!.!.
How do I get a creative spark!?
As to fill the hole!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For inspiration:

Here are some ideas

Look at the clouds and look for images that you might be able to draw!. Use the image for your latest drawing!.

Look at the grain on a cut piece of wood!. Draw the lines exactly as you see them, and then turn them into object or creatures!.

Take picture of animals and then put wings on them!.

How about pictures of people and turn them into bugs or aliens!.

How about half people and half animal!.

Squint your eyes where you barely see any light come through, and see if you can make out images!. Draw the images as you see them in your mind!.

That's it for now!.

I hope this helps!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

get on the internet and look at different styles of art, but sort of the same genre you are interested in!. You will find people's interpretations of whatever you draw!. Just keep looking and you will find some stuff you really like!. At that point you will want to start drawing something more like what they do and your style will morph/change into something else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

look for insperation
weither its a art show ,music or even a long walk on a nice day
whatever inspires you!. play with feelings

hope i helped some