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Question: Color Black & White Photographs!?
How can I add color to my black and white photographs!?!? Is there a certain program for Windows I have to use!? For example I have a photograph in full black and white, but I would like to color my shirt only in the picture so the picture is total black and white except the color of the shirt!. Thanks so much! 10 pts best answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you can use http://www!.picnik!.com
* upload image
* click the "create" tab
* click "black and white"
* "paint" the colored area you wantWww@QuestionHome@Com

Back before all the digital stuff came out, photographers would hand color black & white prints!. Check with a photography store for the name of the product!. Now a days most serious artist and photographers use photoshop!.
In Photoshop, the way I would do it is, open your digital b&w photo in Photoshop!. Make an extra digital copy as a back up!.
(It's much easier to make parts of a color photograph b&w!.)
Anyway!. you can add color with the air-brush tool, or in adjust color, you play with the hue to see if you can get a color you like!. Probably the best way is it to go through the filters and find something cool!. Control Z will take a filter off if you don't like it!. So you have the pictured colored with a filer or something, but the whole picture is colored now!. Hit Control A, the Control C!. Open the back up, of the b&w before the color was added!. Then hit Control V!. You have just copied the color shot over the b&w!. Now go to the erase tool, and go over the areas you want to keep in black & white!. Erase everything but the shirt you want in have in color!. When finished, flatten, and save!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if photo is b&w, you could re color in photo editor with use of layers, open image , create new layer, selection region with lasso to fill with colors, or just paint over with colors, then adjust layers mode to overlay,

Gimp ~image editor,

Recolored Colorize Black and White ~trial
Akvis Coloriage ~trial

there are tons of programs online that you can do it with if you dont have photoshop!. type in photo editing or color accent(the particular funtion you are talking about) and see what comes up!.

this question is asked about 100 times a day on here!.!.!.you should search the question before asking!.

and!.!.!.!.you dont have to tell us 10 points best answer!.!.!.!.we all know how YA works!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photoshop would be the best program!. If you don't have photoshop, I would be willing to do it for you!. Send it to my e-mail!. kathysgay91@yahoo!.com

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com