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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Which setting do you find more worshipful?

Question: Which setting do you find more worshipful!?
Is it the small church goup less than 50, medium church size 50 - 150, large church setting 150 - 500, or mega church 500 plus,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am part of a large church with over 500 members!.
I don't think that the size church group has anything to do with how worshipful the setting is!. I believe that it from an individual's worshipping heart and life, that the quality of worship can be measured, albeit whether privately or corporately!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My church is about 150- 200 people!. I like it a lot because there's enough people to volunteer and make an impact in our community, yet it's still a peaceful and quiet church!. Sunday mornings are great because there's a lot of people to talk to, but you don't know every single person!.

Mega churches are slightly uncomfortable for me because they seem to focus on too many things other than worshipping God (politics)!. There also seems to be a lot of loony people in mega churches!. I prefer a quiet atmosphere where I can focus on God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It shouldn't matter!. Because worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth the way He wants you to, is all in how you live your life!. Giving a blanket to the woman that's cold is like doing the same for Jesus!.!.!.Giving the man a cup of water when he is thirsty is like doing the same for Jesus!.!.!.and so on!. It's not the size of the building or the congregation that matters!. It's our perspective and how we live with faith and Love in our lives that makes any setting worshipful!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say small!. There is a church near me that is one of the largest in the country!. It has THOUSANDS of members!. It is so big that when my wife saw it for the first time she thought it was a MALL!. They have complete sports facilities, a "souvenir" store, and decor so lavish it would make some palaces blush!. Now to me, that is NOT a church, but just big business feeding off peoples' innate need for something spiritual or meaningful in their lives!. No one needs that kind of "church"!. I say the best church is in your own heart!. Not religion, that is man made stuff that wars are fought over, but just a faith inside yourself that there is a reason for all this!.

Hummm!.!.!. this has nothing to do with photography does it!. Don't know why I even answered!. Oh well!.


I personally like 150-500 because then you can see people you know but not every single person knows you!. I also find a quiet place of nature to be a great place to feel closer to God!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dude, there are a lot of phonies in the large churches!. The large churches are also better at taking money out of you (just saying!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Small!.!.cuz then you no the people more so you can get along better and they can become like family!.!.

Best answer!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com