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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Any suggestions on how to capture this photo???

Question: Any suggestions on how to capture this photo!?!?!?
I have a pair of sparrows that nested in the wood to the left of my window!.!.!.
I can't get a good shot of them!.!. on the brick sill on the outside of the window!.!.!. or in to where the nest is!.!.!.
If I kept the window and screen open, I'm worried they might accidentally fly in!.!.!.
The first brood just left the nest!.!.!. but I saw them breeding this morning!.!.!.
And I would love to get some pics to remember this!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the only way i can see you getting that is by leaving the window and screen open at once!.
just try to do it quickly, that's all i can say!.