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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does anyone have any ideas what i could draw?

Question: Does anyone have any ideas what i could draw!?
I feel like drawing a picture!.!. Any ideas on what to draw or any techniques I could use!?

Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
dude everyone can sit here and tell you what to draw all day!.

if your looking to loosen up your mind here are a couple techniques to help get the creative juices going!.

1!. take a piece of paper crumple it up look at it and start to loosely sketch the shape!. soon you'll find something in the image to draw!.!.!.!. usually i see monsters!.
2!. do the same as above but look at clouds!.

another favorite of mine is to take a book you enjoyed reading and find a part in it that is very descriptive, sometimes it is a scene sometimes it is a character they just introduced or a particularly action packed part!. but that is always satisfying and difficult to realize what your minds eye is picturing when you go through the novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could use pencil, there are hard one and very soft ones, or charcoal is not bad either there is black and brick colour in different shapes!. or there also pastels in any colour you can imagine!. Be careful not to make your drawing too dark in the beginning, so you'll be able to add some shades when it is finished, this gives more depth!.
I like to draw cats, flowers, pots and pans and for the moment, I try to draw glass which is very difficult because of the transparency!. Anyhow, you can draw anything you like, even abstract pictures where you play with the darkness or lightness of the pencil!.
There is also a technique, but it takes a very long time to finish the picture, to make your picture only with dots or small lines!.
Have a look at this link, there are some hints for beginners :
or http://www!.geocities!.com/~jlhagan/K9-14/!.!.!.
Have Fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if im ever in the mood for drawing and cant think of something, i just gather a few household objects onto a table and sketch a still life!. either that or i find a book on an artist from my bookcase and copy a drawing from one of theirs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should draw a dragon!

draw some1 you really hate
dis way u cn take all ur anger out
an u'll feel alot better

draw a red dragon with a spiky tailWww@QuestionHome@Com