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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is this picture okay of my son?? which one is best??

Question: Is this picture okay of my son!?!? which one is best!?!?
if you look at it close, i think they're blurry around his head (he's a wiggle worm) but i love the picture so much, and wanna get it framed in our new place!.
i know the second one is really blurry, but i just love the look he has on his face, and the first one is so cute with his smile!!
1) can you notice that they're real blurry!?
2) if yes, how can i fix that!?!?!?!?!?!?
3) which one do you like best!?

pic 1:

pic 2:

also, i'm pretty sure these links will work!. if not, someone please let me know, and i'll check back in a few and put new links in additional details!. thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your baby is adorable! Unfortunately, the pictures are quite noticeably blurry, and despite what you see on CSI, blur is impossible to fix at that level!. You might want to play with some filters in Photoshop and make the whole thing like a big watercolor painting, but if you and want a frame-able print, it would be better to just try again!. For one thing, if you enlarge it, the blur will get worse!. If you don't mind, I will play with a filter or two and post it on my flickr!. I will let you know as soon as I post it, and will remove it as soon as you have seen!. Congratulations on the new baby and new place!


Ok, here is the link to the 'Shopped pic on Flickr!. Let me know when you have seen it and I will remove!.


The pictures are adorable! My family and I work with photoshop and other studios and we don't think that there's any way to take away the blurry factor!. It doesn't matter which one you use because they're both cute!. However, the first one is less blurry then the second!. Using the first one would be my suggestion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're both blurry, and the second one is so blurry that his eyes look crossed, and personally, I find it a little disconcerting to look at!. Frame the first one!. He's a cutie, for sure!. Keep taking pictures, and one of these days you'll get him when he's not moving! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG!. !. !. he is adorable, what a sweetie!. The first photo is more clear!. If you have Adobe Photo Shop you can crop the photo and correct somethings!. But over all!. !. !.photo 1 is the BEST!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love them both but I would suggest the first one since the blur of the second one is quite noticable

I reported jay too!. That was incredibly inappropriate :\Www@QuestionHome@Com

awww he is adorable ^-^
yes they are a lil blurry but definitly keep the first one because that smile is pricelessWww@QuestionHome@Com

A Very BEAUTIFUL Baby!.!.!.!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

awww he's so cute!i like the first picture better but niether are that blurry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he is sooo cute!! i cant tell that they are REALLY blurry!. they look fine!. and i like the first one the best!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

hehe I like the first one and it's less blurry!.
in the second one he kind of looks like an unhappy worm!Www@QuestionHome@Com

pic 1 is clearerWww@QuestionHome@Com

looking on the tehnical side!.!.!.both pictures are rejected!. the first one has back focus, which means that you were too close to the subject, and the camera focused on the nearest object in it's focus range (on most point-and-shoot cameras 1ft - infinity)!. To avoid this phenomenon you can do two things, but not both in the same time!. First and most simple is to get 1 ft back and if you want to shoot the subject so close you can zoom a bit, or you can go to macro mode and you can shoot from that distance and get a blurry background!.
The second picture has movement!. This is good if you want to show the movement!. But here's not the case!. I recomend in low light conditions using the flash!.

This are basic information that you should know before shooting!. In rest the pictures are good, and the baby adorable, despite what some said above!.Www@QuestionHome@Com