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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Whats a good picture to take with this song?

Question: Whats a good picture to take with this song!?
i want something like a model type posing!.
to go with this song!.
i have wild curly hair right now!.
any ideas!?

Song is "I am not my hair" By india arie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
lay on a white sheet!. spread your hair in a fan all around your head!. get something to cover your nips of course, hold something in your hand that is of importance to you!. maybe a rose, maybe a hairbrush, whatever!.!.!.!. you need good lighting and someone to straddle 2 chairs over you to snap the pic!. (don't get thier shadow in the pic!. you will end up with an awesome pic!. if your hair is too curly you could wet it first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the song is about looking inside and seeing who womankind really is!. so maybe you should look at your self and see what it is about yourself that you put up as a front!. and than look inside yourself and see who you areWww@QuestionHome@Com