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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is There An Inexpensive Way to Create a Graphic Design Portfolio?

Question: Is There An Inexpensive Way to Create a Graphic Design Portfolio!?
I need to whip something up for an interview on Monday!.

Please provide links of places where I can buy cheap temporary cases, or other ways to present graphic art samplesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just bought a cheap one for a class at Aaron Brothers--only $5!. It was a hard plastic cover with built-in slipcovers for each page!. I bought letter size (since it was all going to be printed out small), but they had larger!. I really wish I could remember what brand it was, but I threw the sticker away!. Just walk in and go to their portfolio section!.

Here are some similar (maybe the same brand even!?) at Dick Blick online: http://www!.dickblick!.com/zz150/19/
I don't know if you can get them by Monday, though!.

I've also seen similar presentation binders at Office Depot if you want to try there as well!. Don't look in the binder section, there's usually a separate aisle for presentation items!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hobby Lobby carries the cases, I have seen them as less as $14!.99 and up!.
Print off samples of your work and place into your new portfolio!. Presentation paper would be a good choice of paper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can always surf the web and look for them!?
Just type in what you want and you will get loads of places where you can buy them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can buy a large plain black photo or scrap booking album from walmart! That's what I use, it looks great, it's professional, acid free and usually inexpensive!Www@QuestionHome@Com