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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Should Graffiti be considered art?

Question: Should Graffiti be considered art!?
I went to New York a couple months ago and it was just covered in graffiti, every wall was just covered!. Although I must say some of it was impressive, there were pictures of Mickey mouse, Bender and more!. Later on I went to Quebec and it’s no different in the amount of graffiti on the walls, and it’s just as impressive!.

When I went their there were also police there and video camera’s looking for "graffiti artist's"!. They say that graffiti is wrong in so many ways!.

I can’t really pick one or another, like im not sure if it should be considered art or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are artists that stratigically place gunpowder between wood boards and blow it up!.!.!. it looks really cool!.!. and even though gunpowder is destructive the after product was considered art!.!. So even though graffiti is considered bad, I think it should be considered artsy as well!. Besides!.!. It's not always on public buildings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is art but it is also a crime!.

By definition "Graffiti" is vandalism!.

In my opinion it should be harshly prosecuted and the perps should pay for the restoration of the property they defaced!. It is, overall, an eyesore!.

If they can't afford to buy canvas them maybe they should try some sort of electronic art!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is absolutely, positively art!. Just like the cave men in prehistoric times, it is a tribal marking and every bit as much art as anything on Park Avenue!. I've been collecting graffiti art in photographs for years, mostly L!.A!. and west coast areas!.

But vandalism is a crime, and should remain so!. These artists need to find some way of expressing their work in a different media!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

graffiti is most definitley art!.!.!.!.!. it requires skill to make it, but that still doesn't give people the right to put it on sides of buildings!. i think the actual graffiti is beautiful in so many ways, but where people put it is a crime, and thats why police hate graffiti!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No graffiti is not art!.!.!. it's vandalism! It's a temporary paint job on a wall that wasn't commissioned for it!. Nor was it asked for!.
The term "Graffiti art" is an oxymoron!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It should be considered art because it takes great tallent to do graffiti but only if it is on paper it should count not if it's on buildings or trucks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it takes incredible skill and talent so it is defiantly an artWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have to consider it great art some of the best I've seen but it doesn't belong on the side of my building either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeahp!. There is no way in hell that it's NOT art!.Www@QuestionHome@Com