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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why won't they let anyone take pictures in the ALAMO?

Question: Why won't they let anyone take pictures in the ALAMO!?
I know it's historic and all, but it was never explained to me the exact reason for not being able to photograph anything on the inside!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is from the Alamo website:

"Why Are No Photographs Allowed Inside The Alamo!?

The Alamo, like many other museums, asks patrons to not photograph exhibits for several reasons!. Repeated exposures to camera flashes fade certain types of artifacts!. Additionally, the Alamo church has been designated a shrine by the State of Texas and as such is a place of reverence and reflection!."

If people were smart enough to learn about "available light" photography maybe we would not have to put up with these silly regulations!.

I think the Alamo management do it so they have less competition with their own postcards and posters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is news to me!. I visited the Alamo a loooong time ago and you could sure take photos then!.

I agree that if more idiots knew how to use a camera without the goofy flash, then some of this banning of photography may not exist!.!.!. BUT!.!.!.!. I honestly think the real reason is BUSINESS driven!. If there are lots of good photos circulating around of the inside, there will be less people paying to get in and buy junk in the gift shop!.


I guess you'll just have to "remember" it!.

Perhaps they'd have less visitors!? I think it's poor that they feel that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com