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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What should i take as my minor? [GRAPHIC DESIGN]?

Question: What should i take as my minor!? [GRAPHIC DESIGN]!?
i would major in graphic design next year and im having a hard time picking my minor!. i was thinking advertisment but the school im going to attend doesnt have that or marketing but i hate anything to do with a lot of math/numbers!. so its either communications or infomation & computer scienes!. which one should i choose!? which of the two would get me places in life!? which one is better and why!?!?!? oh and if you have one to suggest it would be nice!.

thanks in advance!. ;]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I majored in Sculpture, with a secondary emphasis in Painting & Drawing, I WISH I minored in graphic design to get that different angle of the art world, so maybe you can doo the opposite, look at having a minor in fine art, such as painting, drawing or sculpture!? I'm going back to school to take courses in Graphic design, even though I already have a Bachelor's in Fine Art!. Not that these courses would "get you places" but it sure does help to have a well rounded education in different art fields!. But that's just my personal experience!. Oh & I've noticed more colleges are offering courses in art business, such as how to sell your artwork, with less emphasis in marketing or sales, which I hate too!. So, that could be another option!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't really expect to do well at IT&CS if you hate math! Looks like communications, which is usually a sort of catch-all term for marketing anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com