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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can I get a photo reprint when I have lost the negative?

Question: How can I get a photo reprint when I have lost the negative!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Simply copy the photo or a developer can make another negative although that's obviously the most expensive option!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


(ANS) The ONLY option you really have if you don't have the physical negative, is for someone to actually make a professional copy of the photograph itself!.

NOTE: However if you make a photocopy of the photograph it will be subject to something called "reciprocity failure" this means that every time you copy something you loose a slight amount of quality (sharpness & contrast)!.

**Reciprocity failure even applies to digital imaging processes when used against an original photograph!. In other words don't be surprised if the end result is not quite as good as you had hoped for!. Its obviously not going to be as good as an image reproduced from the original negative sadly!.

Kind Regards Ivan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ivan is not correct when He talks of Reciprocity failure, this only applies to film and is where film emulsion reacts less when the subject is dark, which is why night shots and star shots are so difficult as you have to over expose to get a correct exposure, digital does not suffer from this, the response is linear!.

He is perfectly right when He says that when you scan a print you are taking a copy of a copy so quality suffers!. Scans from negatives are always better, but if that's all you've got, that's what you work with!. Side by side the printed scan won't have the detail of the original, in isolation it will look OK!. The larger you print the worse it will look!.


1!. Scan the photo first
2!. save it in the USB drive
3!. take it to Photomax and reprint again
or you can reprint it again with your printerWww@QuestionHome@Com

maybe scan the photo onto your computer then put it on a CD and go to a digital photo printer at like!.!.!.a local drug storeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Scan the picture, and print it yourself!.
