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Question: Photography and art portfolio!?
so on monday i have an interview for a photography course at a college, and they have asked if i would supply them with a portfolio which contains some of my artwork and that!. but im not sure what sorts of things to included or what a portfolio is ment to look like so you could help me out i would be very gratefull ;]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Show 10 - 12 of your strongest pieces!. (The ones you like the best )!. Consider good composition, interesting subject matter, emotion, and artistic merit!. Make 8 x 10 prints, put them in one of those acetate presentation folders you can get at an office supply store for a couple bucks!. also, include an artist's statement - a written page with your contact information, a short biography (how you got interested in photography, etc), and a sentence or two about why you want to do photography!.

Doing all this shows your interviewers how serious you are about your art and if you have any talent for it!.

Good Luck! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

less is more in this instance!.!.!.don't go in with a large amount of images!.!.!.10 - 12 at the most!.!.!. they don't want to see everything you've ever done just a sample to see if you can learn from them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, make sure that they are the BEST!.

if youre wondering about one of them,
throw it out!.

its better to have 10 REALLY good ones,
rather than 20 filled with mediocre ones!.

GOOD LUCK!Www@QuestionHome@Com