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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What was that famous photo essay....?

Question: What was that famous photo essay!.!.!.!.!?
I think it was done in the 1970's, possibly earlier!. It was a black and white collection of photos of people from all over the world!. It was a male photographer, and it traveled all over the U!.S!., if my memory is correct, as a collection of large photographs!. It was later published in a book!. I had a small paperback of it once, and don't know what happened to it!.!.!. (probably loaned it, never to be seen again)!.

That's all I can remember, other than I remember some of the individual photos, but to describe them here wouldn't help I don't think, and I might not describe them well anyway!.

It was very famous at the time!.

Please help if you can!. I've done searches, and not found it!. Thanks in advance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe you are thinking of the
Edward Steichen exhibition "The Family of Man"!. It was a collection of 503 photographs by 273 photographers from 68 countries!.

The last photograph in the exhibition and the book was titled "Walk To Paradise Garden" and was taken by W!. Eugene Smith!.Www@QuestionHome@Com