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Question: Photos for online speech class help!?
Hi everyone!.!.!.i need some help!. I am trying to make a still slideshow so I can hook up my laptop to my plasma and use it in the background when I tape my speech for my online class!. I have a photobucket account and am attempting to make a slideshow but I cant get it not to move! (if that makes sense :)

I want to be able to manually switch from photo to photo throughout my speech!.

Does anyone know how I can achieve this!?

Thanks for any help!

We have 2 laptops!.!.!.one i will be using to record my speech, and the other i am hoping to hook up to flat screen to use to show pics!. (If that helps)

I just cant figure out exactly how I am going to do this!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maybe you could put them in a powerpoint file that automatically scrolls through each page!.

You could also compile them into a video, and post it to youtube or blip!.tv, then play it in the background!.Www@QuestionHome@Com