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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How much does a photographer earn?

Question: How much does a photographer earn!?
Per year!?
how much would a wedding photographer make!?
Magazine / Newspaper photographer!?

also, what GCSEs, A-Levels etc do they need!?

Thanks if you can answer one or more of these questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Like most said, it depends!.!.!.i have my own business vs working for a studio like Olan Mills or whomever!.
I only take on as many clients as i can handle myself as i am the only one shooting, marketing, editing, delivering product etc!. In addition to the 'cost' of goods and services, there is a LOT of time involved after the actual shoot!. So while a photographer might 'make' 3500 at a wedding, chances are it took many many hours of work before and after the shoot and the 'net' was quite a bit less!. A licensed photographer usually will have quite an overhead between equipment and software on top of travel time, insurance etc!.
It can be SUPER well paying but there is a LOT of competition and you need to stand apart from the crowd!. I live in well populated area so there is enough business for everyone, but it still takes work to make enough money for it to be worth it!.!.!.and the time away from family!. I photograph mostly children on location and some in my studio!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It really depends on how good you are!.

The lady who did my wedding I paid her 3!.5 grand, so she made 3!.5 grand in one weekend minus her expenses for the photos and album!.

So it can be well paying but you are gonna have to work hard, and it also depends on if you take good pictures!.

It's hard to be a wedding photographer because you got to make sure you do everything the way the bride and groom wants it and that you get good photos and all that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a wedding photographer, and to most clients, for a basic package of formals, the ceremony, and the reception starts at $1000,00!.!.!. of course family is free, and friends get a big discount!.!.!.

Being a freelance photog!. is really a tough business to get into, since here is already tons of people doing it, but I imagine that if you took good exclusive fotos you could make lots of moneyWww@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on whether he freelances, or works for a photo studio!. also, if there are dangerous assignments from magazines/newspapers and he has to travel, requires a passport or special equipment for his assignments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

£50-£1000 per shoot!. (wed)
£50-£500 per shoot!. (mag & news)
GCSE/A-level in art, photography and graphics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

studio photographers at oln mills mikae from 10 up ust to start!. wedding and others depend on your skill and popularity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photographers make around 35k!. I've been researching that also!. I dunno about the rest :/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Commission!. Hard to say!. It all depends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Really depends on how much work they get!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


it depends on the effort put in!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com