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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How to go from anime to real techniques?

Question: How to go from anime to real techniques!?
okay!.!.!.i am an anime fan and i love to draw i'm pretty good at it too!.!.!.BUT, i want to learn how to draw REAL people!. what should i do!? does anyone have the same problem i do!?

i aint gots no money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
money!? ain't no problem!. I went from Anime to realism as well and it's actually a pretty easy transformation!. Anime has pretty much the same proportions as realism though there are some differences in the face proportions!. Just study yourself or someone else's features and look for identifiable shapes (like the eye is sort of shaped like a football and the nose is made up of three circles)!. it's all observation :) And remember some important things: No one is perfect the first 10 times around, you will always keep learning ways to improve, never give up and never expect perfection (flaws are beautiful)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Basically, you need to begin to observe the physical nuances between people's faces and bodies!. You also need to develop a proper shading/colouring technique and avoid the hard black outlines!. Here are some good sites to get you started:
