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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What does this My Chemical Romance comic say? :P?

Question: What does this My Chemical Romance comic say!? :P!?
I really love the art on this but I have no idea what it says!. :(
I know it says "Vampires will never hurt you!" at the end, but I'm at a loss for the rest of it!.
Thanks a mucho!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
they rose from the crimson shores of a war-torn land from the ashes of a forgotten generation!.!.!.they had the knowledge!.!.!.they had the connections!.!.!.they had the power!.!.!. to put eh world!.!.!.out!.!.!.of!.!.!. it's MISERY!.

Least that's what I think it says lol =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

They rose from the crimson shores of a war-torn land, from the ashes of a forgotten generation!.!.!.
!.!.!.they had the knowledge!.!.!.
!.!.!.they has the connections!.!.!.
!.!.!.they had the power!.!.!.
!.!.!.to put the world!.!.!.
!.!.!.its MISERY!
I am not going to type it all out for you!.
zoom in on it if you have to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com