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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is it bad to soak/fully submerse sculpting clay for weeks at a time?...I was pos

Question: Is it bad to soak/fully submerse sculpting clay for weeks at a time!?!.!.!.I was postponing my project!?
does it deteriorate!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Only if you are trying to create "slip" to pour into plaster molds [for casting purposes] is it a good idea to soak/fully submerge modeling clay!. Or if clay totally dries out it can be placed in a container and soaked to reconstitute it for normal use!.

Clay is soil and soil is an organic growth medium!. This is to say that it will grow mold, fungi and other plant life - especially if it is allowed to de-compact!. You also don't need to give bugs and vermin a water source!.

Storing clay the same way that your dealing does is the safest and healthiest way to do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, even if some organic material in the clay starts rotting, that's actually good not bad for the clay!.
But it will mean extra work for you!. You have get rid of excess water (e!.g!. place it on a dry plaster bat) and get it to the right consistency for working and wedge it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, you do not need to submerge your clay!.!.!.
Just spray it down with water and cover it with a thick plastic bag!. Just keep it in a cool dark place and make sure it is moist, and it will be fine for finishing at a later date!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it is high fire clay, the clay will still be fine!.

The Japanese potters will lay down clay for the next generation!.

I would try to adjust the moisture to how I like to work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com