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Question: My first photo shoot with a band!?
I just booked my first photo shoot with my friends band and I'm really at a lost at what to do!. I've taking pictures of my friends and my baby sister but I've done nothing like this before!. I don't have a fancy camera like a Canon or anything I just have a small compact Fuji FinPix A900 which works nicely!. But I've also used my friends Canon Powershot one as well and I love it (compact) I just need some tips on what I should do to make this amazing and not bomb at my first amature shoot!.

and here is my gallery just so you know what kinda of work I am capable of doing!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I find it interesting that you would book a shoot before you had the skills necessary to complete the assignment at some level of professional competency using a P&S camera!.

All you can do at this point is hope you understand how to adjust your camera for the various lighting situations you will be shooting in and that your shoot is successful enough to produce perfectly exposed, sharp images that the band can use!.

I shoot concerts from time to time using two Nikon D300's and two different focal length lenses (12-24 mm and 24-70 mm)!. That is the minimum I show up at a concert carrying !.!.!. that and some press creds!.

If you think this is a field of photography you want to pursue, look into taking a few classes in photography and upgrading to at least a 35 mm SLR (Nikon or Canon would be a good choice)!. Then once you know you have total control over the features of the camera you choose, buy the matching DSLR, so you can use the lenses you already own!.

Your link shows us that you have a good handle on composition and lighting, so really all you need is a fully adjustable camera !.!.!. and enough experience with it so you don't have to think about f/stops or shutter speeds !.!.!. They need to become nearly intuitive so your excellent eye can take controlWww@QuestionHome@Com

Your work is really good!.

Just let them arrange themselves however they want, you can give advice if you feel like you need to (like if they aren't balanced in the picture, or they don't all find in the viewfinder, or whatever)!. Then just take pictures!. You shouldn't have any problem with that!.

I hope I helped!. Good luck with your photo shoot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just do what you usually do whenever you take pictures of your friends and just be yourself around them!.

Your pictures are amazing!. (:
and what's your friends band name!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not bad with the compact!. If you want really good photos then you need a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) camera with a high megapixle, somewhere around 7-10 MP depending on how big the photos need to be!. But you can do wonders with the camera your using now!. If you need ideas on poses and stuff for the band shots search for band photos on google and check em out!.

By the way how much are you charging and what kind of packages did you put together!. My friends band is looking at me to take their pictures!. I'm trying to come up with prices and packages for them!. Please e-mail me at lugy8909@yahoo!.com !.Www@QuestionHome@Com