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Question: Photograhy!?
I need to know how would I start my own Photograhy Business up out of my home, what would I all need to do so!? also I usually just use my digical camera, would that be ok or do I need to purchase a nother camera for this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You will need either studio lights or strobe units!. A tripod!. Backdrops, posing stools, an slr( film or digital)!. Light stands, reflector boards, gaffers tape, push pins, a good set of tools!. A space in your home large enough to set up the camera, lights, stool, backdrop, and your client!. At bare minimum 20, sq ft!.
Now you've the equipment, you need a business plan!. An outline that tells what you going to do and how you are going to do it!. This cover what type of photography you want to do, how you are going to market, how you are going to advertise, what type of business( sole proprietor, partnership, corporation) , How you are going to finance and handle profits!. Who your target clients are and where they are!. What products and services you are going to offer and how much you are going to charge!.
Business skills are just as important, if not more, than photographic skill!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The photography world is being over-run by newbies with a digital camera!. Usually they have a dSLR, seldom does anyone ask about starting a business with a simple P&S!. Your camera, although a nice little model, is not suitable for going into business and charging folks!. If you were near ready to go into business, you would already recognize this!. If you are interested for real, start studying the craft in a serious way!. Take classes if possible, or go to college for photography and business!. Assist a pro who does the type of photography you hope to do!. Save money for the cameras and other equipment you will need!. Best wishes in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edwins advice is good, you need to know what your doing in all circumstances, you need to know what results your camera will give you under all conditions, and you need to be able to make corrections without thinking about it, and why your doing it!.

A DSLR is minimum equipment for a professional, on top of that you will need Photoshop and know how to use it (not easy)!. A good photo printer such as an Epson R1800 (up to A3+) or you can use a 3rd party print house, I prefer to keep it in house so I can control quality, except for really large prints which are the mainstay of my business!.

In the UK you can't run a business from home without informing the Council, they will up your Community Charge to business rates!. In some areas they don't allow it at all!. You might find business premises are the cheaper option!.

While your dealing with the Council ask about start up money, many Councils have Government money for budding businesses, including rent free premises for the first year!. If you live in an Enterprise Zone (or if your business will be in an Enterprise Zone) because local industry has closed there are some really interesting packages available from the government!.

If your turn over goes above £60,000!.00 you will need to register for VAT, there are some advantages in registering before then as you can claim the VAT back on all business equipment such as the cameras, lenses, computers etc!.

Once you have all this go on a business course, more photography businesses fail due to bad business practice than bad photography!.

More to it than meets the eye, but the rewards can be more too!.


I would buy a nice digital SLR camera!. Like a Nikon D40x!. Those are nice for beginners!.!. Expensive a little!. but good!. You would need to set up a website to host your photography and update it frequently!. And offer prints at a reasonable cost, like $30 for a print!. Then go around to new businesses opening or art galleries to sell your work!. Photography is hard to get into !. But good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, take at least 2 years of photography classes!.

While taking classes, work as an assistant to a professional photographer!.

Begin saving for a pro-quality DSLR and 2 or 3 lenses!.

Take a few business classes!. Learn the licensing requirements (if any) for your state!. Check the zoning laws in your area - they may prohibit home-based businesses!. Learn the legal requirements for owning a business!. Contact the SBA (Small Business Administration) and find out if you should incorporate as an S Corporation or an LLC (Limited Liability Company)!. Learn the tax laws concerning a business - local, state and Federal!. Determine what type of insurance you'll need and how much!. (Last year, a NYC bride sued her florist for $38,000!.00 because the flowers provided weren't an exact match to the ones she chose from the arrangements catalog!.)

I bet you thought starting a business was simple, didn't you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that you need to learn how to spell PHOTOGRAPHY!.
If you can't spell then your not going to get far in a business are you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Advertise Advertise Advertise , than wait for the orders to roll in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com